Tuesday 24 April 2012

CD Cover

Well I had a crack at the CD cover as part of T3 LA04... I had to use images in the end that I had access to due to my camera deciding it didn't want to work for me!!

So I would need to change the images to tie in with the theme of composers from around the world, so would need to locate images with bands, musical instruments and singers etc for the future.

Let me know what your thoughts are on this (and somehow... don't ask me how I did it.... but I ended up with 2 lots of trim marks!!)

CD Cover

Found out how to fix red-eyes... will do this in future work :-)


Hi well here are my thumbnails for the 50 Bananas.

50 Bananas
Here is my favourite banana, although the scan didn't quite pick up the colour of the banana:
Choosen Banana

Monday 16 April 2012

Grids, Layout and Flow

Part A of this assignment was to find both grid and no grid layouts in magazines, newspapers, online or similar.


No Grid
Part B was to find an advertisement then to sketch how you would do it differently.  Heres the original and below it is my thoughts on changing the order around.
Original Advertisement
New Layout Idea

Five Families of Text Type

Hi All
Here is Part A of the Learning Activity 7 - the font is what I thought would look best for each shoe.

Part A - Shoes
Here is Part B - the Quick Reference Type Chart

Part B - typecat
And for the final part of the assignment, here is Part C - Type Families.   As I did not have the Helvetica font I fond a very similar font, Segoe UI.

Helvetica (used Segoe UI as similar font)

Tuesday 3 April 2012


Here is my invite assignment using the colour theme and logos supplied in InDesign.

Invite - PartiesRus!