Monday 20 August 2012

Photobook - Final Assessment Part B Tech 3

Here is my photobook - what do you think

Photobook - Part B Final Assmt Tech 3

Magazine - Final Assessment Part A Tech 3

Hi all here is what I came up with for Part A for the Final Assessment for Technology 3.

Only basic steps but hopefully it is easy to follow!

Let me know your thoughts.

Sunday 19 August 2012


Here is the link to my first attempt at my very own photobook! Pages do flip a bit fast... will need to work on that a bit more I think!


Thursday 2 August 2012

Workplace Signs

This was the first part of the final assessment for the OH&S area.... my drawing still has quite a way to go especially with the goggles!!

Induction Process for New Employees

As one part of the final assessment task for the occupational health and safety component, we had to do up a slideshow to cover OH&S as part of an inducation program from new employees as well as serving as a refresher for current employees.

Here's what I came up with: Slideshare - OHS Induction for new employees