Tuesday 26 March 2013

QP05 - Invitation

For this activity we had to create an easy-to-read invitation, DL size using 2 colours only.  I decided Black and White would be best as it always has a classy look about it as well as being bold.

So I decided a two-sided invitation would look nice to set the theme and drew my own tie and dress :-)

Front of the Invitation

Back of the Invitation with actual details
 This invitation could be printed on a natural parchment paper/card stock that would look quite effective - I use this for doing work invitations and certificates.  However you would need to be careful if you are wanting to print double-sided I would recommend you have this particular file printed professionally.  Otherwise the black on the front of the invitation would be too much for the paper to absorb and would come through the other side of your 'white' page.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Skyways Newspaper Ad

For this activity we had to create an advert for the local newspaper - noting that the advert is one colour (black) only. I kept the advert very simple, looking at the ad now thinking maybe a different heading font would be more effective if bolded in full white against the black backdrop so that way it doesn't look too fuzzy :-)

Tuesday 12 March 2013

QP02 - Savoy Food Importers Advert

For this activity we had to create an advert for a local newspaper, The Examiner based on 3 columns (110mm) x 120mm in mono.

Here is what I came up with:

Thursday 7 March 2013

QP01 - Panda Advertisement

Hi All
For this activity I was able to use a previous advertisement that I did for the Kingborough Council.

I made both a full colour and mono (black and white) version.  The mono version was used in the local community newspaper since it was cheaper.

The full colour advertisement was able to be used through social media sites to promote the event.

Sunday 3 March 2013

D'Entrecasteaux Channel Report 2012 - Front Cover Design

As part of my position with Kingborough Council, I designed the front cover for the newly release State of the D'Entrecasteaux Channel and lower Huon Estuary 2012 report.

Simply follow the below link to view the front (and back) cover design.  Please note that the file size is 4.6MB
