Tuesday 16 April 2013

QP07: Restaurant Logo - Emilio's

My rationale for developing this particular logo is to me using the Italian flag colours of green, white and red is quite eye-catching and bright as well as ‘fresh’ looking which the clients where after. 
I also thought having some sort of utensil would help to signify that it is a restaurant as well as being available for take-aways.  To me it promotes an enjoyable food tasting experience just around the corner.
Also in the brief it advised us to be mindful of future outdoor signage and production of a menu, I believe that this design would be easily used for both of these in the near future.

Black and White Version of the Logo

Full Colour Version of the Logo

1 comment:

  1. Colours clearly say "Italian." The fork is well done in its simplicity and clarity. I could imagine the fork independent of the flag in a more elemental version.
