Monday 3 June 2013

QP10: Restaurant Menu

For this project we had to create a restaurant menu for Emilio's.  They requested that the menu sizing be A4 and the style should reflect the logo and previous researched projects for Emilio's restaurant.

I chose this particular style as it ties in nicely with previous designs and can quite easy be photocopied in black and white should it need be without loosing too much of the original resolution of the imagery.

I think a plain white A4 paper stock is best as it is generally what most companies have and can easily get no matter where they go for their supplies.  Most papers now are carbon neutral in any case. 

It would be more cost effective to photocopied than getting professionally printed.  Although having said that initially having the pages professionally printed would be a better quality, especially should the clients which to change their menus to colour.  I think this menu would be best in a hard-bound booklet with clear plastic pockets so the pages can be easily replaced should a menu item change, more items be added or pricing increase without loosing the professionalism of the actual menu itself.

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